loredana sarmiento
3 min readJul 27, 2016

Taking small steps of faith

Take delight in the Lord,and he will give you the desires of your heart.Psalms 37:4

This is a well known bible verse, is one of my favorites.

What is the desire of your heart? What is the dream of your life? What is your dream ministry?

I am a missionary, Why ? Everyone asks me and I say….because I know and believe that every person in the world needs to know about the love of Jesus Christ. How did you make that decision? It was a process . Why you came here… to Slovakia ? Because it was a dream for me! There was a moment in my life that I knew that I had to move on, to take it to another level in my relationship with God. To stretch my faith in God.

Because it was a dream for me! There was a moment in my life that I knew that I had to moving on , to take it to another level in my relationship with God. To stretch my faith in God.

Everybody wants dreams to come true. We want to take BIG STEPS, make BIG CHANGES …so everyone can notice ! But let me say this: the little things, the little changes you can make in your life That, will lead you to make BIG THINGS, so if you want TO DO GREAT THINGS FOR GOD, you need to TAKE SMALL STEPS OF FAITH.

When I made the decision to give my life to the Lord and along all this years I made several decisions that made an impact in my life and now affect my ministry. I had to take SMALL STEPS OF FAITH : at first say yes to Jesus and his eternal plan of salvation, say no to bad relationships, read everyday the bible, go to church every Sunday, obey his word, praying for others, decide to go on a mission trip even when I didn’t have the money, spending time with some people just to have the opportunity to share the gospel, I had to apologize when I did something wrong, so many small things….but all these things were leading me to this moment. And Believe me : be here now is a dream come true !

What is the dream God has given you ?

it. won’t be easy, it won’t be fast…..God has a plan, and he is taking time to work in your life. Remember this: He is eternal. He is thinking on the eternity. But you need to take these SMALL STEPS OF FAITH NOW why? Because you must to be faithful in small things, so you can be able to do BIG THINGS.

Mathew 25: 23 “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

What are the little things you need to change to do GREAT THINGS for God?

loredana sarmiento
loredana sarmiento

Written by loredana sarmiento

REGIA (from monterrey N.L.) missioner, creative, lawyer, master copyright, media producer & dreamer a lot! I like music, novels, romantic comedy movies & soccer

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